marți, 16 martie 2010


I'll try to help you fix the epic "Generic Host for Win32" error.

If you search on Google you can find a lot of temporary fixes about this or just craps.

"Go to Start > Run, type in regedit and hit OK. This will bring up the Windows registry editor.

Navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Browser > Parameters

Find the key IsDomainMaster. Double click and enter False (as shown in image above).

Restart Windows for the fix to be in effect."

This is 1 of the "working hack".

By the way i had this anoying error so i'm not talking crap.... I tryed this but didn't work for me... Maybe i'm not a lucky guy...:-P.

Another working fix ( for some peoples ) is this:

"Click Start -> Run and type cmd (This launches the command prompt)

In the command prompt window type netsh and press Enter

Now type winsock and press Enter

Now type rest and press Enter..

Restart your computer."

This also you can find on Google... Not an working fix for me neither...

Later i search on a forum and i found that this win32 is a virus 100%. Some of the guys say'd that this can't be a virus, not in a million years...

So i say'd why i need to torture myself with this when i can format all harddrive and get rid of this "virus" for sure. So ... i started to reinstal the OS and format all hdd same time. After this i just instaled an trial antivirus from By the way before i started to reinstal OS i made a backup of a few things... After instaling the antivirus i made a scan on my backup folder.. and found 2 "win32 trojans" or something like this. 20 day passed and no error..:-D

I think this is what you need to do if you want to get rid of this anoying error for sure.. of course only if you can format all hdd.

Hope i helped you guys!!

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